How to Get a Padron in Fuengirola, Spain

Wondering how to get an empadronamiento (or padron, for short) in Spain? Below, you can read about my experience getting a padron in Fuengirola (Malaga). 

When I first moved to Spain, I felt overwhelmed by the long to-do list I had when I arrived, from finding a place to live, to getting a Spanish phone number, to opening a bank account. On top of all of that, I had to make governmental appointments to ensure that I could remain in Spain legally. When I was going through this process, luckily, I learned from other auxiliares de conversación who had completed all of this before. 

Continue reading to learn about the steps I took to get an empadronamiento in Fuengirola. I hope this step-by-step guide to the padron process will help other auxiliares de conversación and other people moving to Spain. 

Please keep in mind, I am from the United States of America (USA), so my experience getting a padron might differ from people from other countries. Also, requirements might vary from year to year. I got my empadronamiento in October 2022 in Fuengirola (Malaga, Andalucia), Spain.

Without further ado, here are the steps I used to get my padron in Fuengirola. 

How to make an empadronamiento appointment online in Fuengirola

The first step in the padron process is making an appointment online. You can make your appointment at this government website for the Ayuntamiento de Fuengirola (The ayuntamiento is the town hall.) Below is a step-by-step guide for making the padron appointment.

On the oficina dropdown menu, select “padrón de habitantes.”

Then another dropdown menu for tramite will become available. Select “alta padron-cambio domicilio-familia numerosa.”

On the next page, select your appointment date and time. (Those that say libre are open, and those that say ocupado are taken.) Then click continuar to continue.

On the final page, fill in your personal details. Make sure to fill it out so it matches your passport exactly. For tipo de documento, if you are not from Spain and you do not have an NIE card (different from the NIE number) choose pasaporte no español

To receive the confirmation text for a padrón appointment in Fuengirola, you must have a Spanish phone number. Alternatively, if you have a friend with a Spanish phone number, you could ask them to use their number. 

Once you’ve completed the form, click finalizar to schedule your appointment.

What to bring to your padron appointment in Fuengirola

Now that you have your padron appointment at the ayuntamiento, it’s time to gather your documents. Luckily, this appointment does not require too many documents. 

Here’s what you should bring to your empadronamiento appointment in Fuengirola:

  • Passport (original and copy of main photo page)

  • IF YOU OWN YOUR PLACE OF RESIDENCE IN SPAIN: sale contract and property deed (original and copy)

  • IF YOU’RE RENTING YOUR PLACE OF RESIDENCE IN SPAIN: rental contract (original and copy)

Does the Ayuntamiento de Fuengirola accept walk-ins for the padron?

When I got my padron in Fuengirola, I made an appointment ahead of time. That said, I have some friends who got their empadronamiento by walking straight into the ayuntamiento and taking a number to see an official. So no guarantees, but some people have had luck as walk-ins in Fuengirola. 

Still, I recommend making an appointment, because wait times can be really long, and having an appointment should allow you to avoid that as much as possible (it is Spain, after all). With my appointment, I was barely there for fifteen minutes and I walked out with my padrón in hand. 

Can my roommate and I share a padron appointment?

Yes, in Fuengirola, the padron appointments are for two roommates maximum. In other words, you and one roommate can share an appointment. If you have a third roommate, they will need their own appointment.

I hope reading about my experience getting a padron in Fuengirola will help your empadronamiento process go as smoothly as possible. Suerte!


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