My Top Favorite Budget-Friendly International Trips While Teaching English in Spain
My Top 8 Best Tips for International Travel
Detroit, Michigan Two-Day Travel Itinerary

Embracing the Future: Pioneering Careers for the Aspiring Digital Nomad
Undergraduate Lesson Plan on Madam C. J. Walker
Undergraduate Lesson Plan on How To Write History Papers
Where to Buy Thanksgiving Foods in Malaga, Spain

Conquering Climate Anxiety and Shrinking Your Carbon Footprint
Maggie Berry of Eco Worries shares helpful coping strategies for climate anxiety and provides some tips on what you can do to decrease your carbon footprint.

My Best Day Trips From Fuengirola: Travel in Spain
Read about my top favorite day trips from Fuengirola, Spain!
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Classroom Activities for Your Last Day as an Auxiliar de Conversación

Matter, Materials, and Energy: Teaching English Natural Sciences
My top favorite primary school English teaching resources on matter, materials, and energy.
Holidays and Celebrations: English Lesson Plans for Primary School Students

Primary School English Teaching Resources: Andalusia Day
An English lesson plan for teaching about Andalusia Day on February 28.
How to Live on a Budget in Spain as an Auxiliar de Conversación

Best Gift Shops in Gainesville, Florida
My top recommendations for local gift shops in Gainesville, Florida.
Things I Wish I Would Have Known Before I Became an Auxiliar de Conversación
Here are the things I wish I would have known before moving to Spain as an auxiliar de conversación.

Weekend Trip to Seville, Spain: Scrapbooking My Travels
Highlights from my weekend trip to Seville, Spain.
Top Five Things That Surprised Me About Brighton, UK
Here are five things that surprised me about Brighton, UK.

Fun Things To Do Near Cinque Terre, Italy
Top best things to do (or rather things I did) near Cinque Terre, Italy.