My Top 8 Best Tips for International Travel

Traveling abroad is a significant endeavor. That’s why I’ve put together this list of my top tips for international travelers.

This list is by no means comprehensive, but I hope it helps you prepare for your flight abroad.

Double (or triple) check that you have all of your travel documents

This is a big one. It may be super obvious, but it’s so important, that it’s worth stating: be sure that you have all of the documents you need for your international travel abroad. Check for requirements set by each country you’re passing through, including your country of origin.

Be sure to bring copies of your travel documents

In addition to the original forms of your travel documents, it’s a good idea to bring copies.

I like to make digital and physical copies, so that I have a variety of options. Depending on where you’re visiting, you may need these for a variety of circumstances, so it’s better to be safe and bring copies.

Bring your own in-flight entertainment

In preparing for a long international flight, I highly recommend you download television shows, movies, books, podcasts, music, and/or whatever sort of entertainment you enjoy. Or you might bring a print book or games.

Flights abroad can be quite long. So it’s better to have as many options to keep you entertained as possible.

Wear a fanny pack

Okay, this one might be controversial. But I really do recommend fanny packs for international travel.

For one, they make it really easy to access your necessary travel documents quickly. This can come in handy when you’re moving through security or boarding the plane.

Also, I find that flight attendants often allow me to continue wearing my fanny pack when I board rather than consolidate it with the rest of my luggage. (This is not always the case, so you should always be sure to have some space in your carry-on bag in case you need to store your fanny pack in it last minute.)

For me, fanny packs offer convenient, portable storage when I travel.

Bring a neck pillow and eye mask

If you’re hoping to sleep at all on your flight abroad, I highly recommend you bring a comfortable neck pillow and eye mask. Without a neck pillow, I find it nearly impossible to get comfortable enough to sleep on a flight. And you never know if the person next to you may want to use their light to read, so eye masks can help block out the light on the aircraft.

Pack snacks

Purchasing snacks and meals at airports can be extremely pricey. So I always bring plenty of snacks in my carry-on luggage. That way, I can avoid purchasing food at the airport as much as possible.

Bring a refillable water bottle

Another great way to save money while flying internationally is to bring a refillable water bottle. That way, you can refill your water bottle at water fountains in the airport rather than purchase plastic water bottles as you travel.

Travel Tip! Before you travel, it’s a good idea to do a bit of research into the locations of water fountains in the airports you’ll pass through. Sometimes, these are sparse, so it can make things easier to have a game plan before you arrive.

Bring headphones (and make sure they’re charged)

For me, headphones are a must-have for long flights. The right headphones can help block out noise, and you can use them to watch or listen to whatever you’ve downloaded for entertainment.

Just make sure to charge your headphones completely before your trip! International flights can be long, so you don’t want to run out of battery as you travel.

I hope you find these tips helpful! Safe travels!


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