My Top 5 Must-Try Foods in Amsterdam

Amsterdam is home to some really delicious foods. In general, Amsterdam has a great food scene as far as restaurants. But the Netherlands are also known for certain foods and dishes. If you’re planning a trip, there are a few food I think you should definitely try in Amsterdam.

I’ve only visited Amsterdam once during a four-day trip. But even during that short time, a few Dutch food items made a big impression on me.

Here’s a list of my favorite Dutch foods I tried in Amsterdam. For travelers to Amsterdam, I see these as must-try foods.

5. Stroopwafels

Stroopwafels consist of two round and thin waffle cookies sandwiched together with caramel sauce filling. In the Netherlands, you can order freshly-baked stroopwafels with a variety of toppings, including sauces, fruits, and candies.

I had previously tried packaged stroopwafel cookies in the United States, but I hadn’t eaten a fresh stroopwafel until I went to Amsterdam. And let me tell you, the fresh ones are worlds better. Fresh stroopwafels are served warm, which makes them softer and more gooey. If you’re traveling to the Netherlands, you definitely shouldn’t miss out on trying this tasty Dutch dessert.

4. Poffertjes

Poffertjes are Dutch buckwheat flour mini pancakes. The little pancakes are fluffy and bite-sized. They can be served either as a sweet or a savory dish.

When I traveled to Amsterdam, I ate poffertjes at a restaurant called Dutch Pancake Masters. My friend and I split an order of these delicious mini pancakes with strawberries and chocolate.

On a trip to the Netherlands, poffertjes are a must-try traditional Dutch food.

3. Oliebollen

Oliebollen are fried dough balls, similar to beignets, often served with powdered sugar. So of course, they’re delicious.

I’ll be honest, I actually didn’t try these in Amsterdam—I tried oliebollen when I spent a weekend in Copenhagen. Since they’re a traditional Dutch (and Belgian) dessert, though, I wish I would have tried oliebollen in the Netherlands. So, oliebollen have still made it onto my list of top five must-try foods in Amsterdam.

2. Dutch Apple Pie

I don’t know about you, but I love apple desserts. So, Dutch apple pie was one of my favorite foods I ate in Amsterdam!

It’s a bit more like apple cake than like American apple pie. Still, it has those nice buttery and caramel-y flavors. If you’re traveling to Amsterdam, don’t miss out on the eating a slice of Dutch apple pie.

1. Chips (aka Fries)

Aaaaand I’ve saved my favorite for last: chips (aka fries). I know what you must be thinking: Really?? Fries were the favorite thing you ate in Amsterdam? But yes, the fries in Amsterdam are unbelievably good.

To try the really good fries, make sure to visit one of the places that specializes in fries. I don’t know how they do it, but they just make spectacular fries in at these chips shops in Amsterdam. In addition to the fries themselves, these shops offer amazing dipping sauces—everything from ketchup to truffle mayo. (I recommend the truffle mayo.)

Amsterdam’s piping hot fries are perfect for a cold and rainy day. Perhaps that’s why the chips shops had lines whenever I went. But honestly, I bet they have lines year round, because the fries are sooooooo tasty.

This isn’t a list of healthy foods to eat in Amsterdam, but I never promised that! These are just simply very yummy Dutch foods that I think travelers to Amsterdam should try if they get a chance.

Now get out there and eat!


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