TIE Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If you’ve recently moved to Spain from outside the European Union, you’ve probably heard about the tarjeta de identidad de extranjero (or TIE [tee-ay], as it is commonly called in Spain). And if you’ve heard that you need a TIE to remain in Spain legally, then you might have some questions. I know I did!

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about the Spanish TIE, based on my own experience with getting a tarjeta de identidad de extranjero.

Table of Contents:

  • What is a TIE?

  • How can I make an appointment to apply for my TIE?

  • Can I attend an appointment at an office outside of the town I’m residing in?

  • How can I cancel my TIE appointment?

  • What documents do I need for my appointment?

  • How long does it take until the TIE is ready?

  • How do I pick up my physical TIE card?

What is a TIE?

The TIE is an identification card provided to non-EU foreigners who reside in Spain for longer than visas permit. During the period of time in which an individual’s TIE is active, that person can leave and reenter Spain as many times as they would like.

How can I make an appointment to apply for my TIE?

You can make your TIE appointment through this website. The website can be a bit confusing (I know it confused me!), so if you’d like a bit more information on making a TIE appointment, check out step #2 in my article: Getting a TIE in Malaga, Spain - Step-by-Step Guide.

Can I attend an appointment at an office outside of the town I’m residing in?

Yes, you can attend your TIE appointment at any office in your municipality. For example, I lived in Fuengirola, but I could make a TIE appointment anywhere in the municipality of Malaga. This is helpful because you might not find any available appointments in your town on the dates you want. However, you cannot attend appointments outside of your municipality.

How can I cancel my TIE appointment?

You can cancel your TIE appointment through the same website you used to make your appointment. Follow the same steps you used to make your appointment until you get to the part where you clicked “solicitar cita.” DON’T CLICK “solicitar cita.” That will bring you to a page to make an appointment. Instead, click “cancelar cita.” That will allow you to cancel your TIE appointment.

What documents do I need for my appointment?

The documents you need for your appointment may vary by year, by region, and even by police station. It’s best to double check with people living in the area. For example, you could ask about the documents required for the TIE through a local Facebook or WhatsApp group. 

That said, I’ll provide you with the list of documents I brought to my TIE appointment. 

Here’s what I brought to my TIE appointment:

  1. Here’s what I brought to my TIE appointment:

    • Passport (original and 2 copies of photo page, 2 copies of visa page, and 2 copies of stamp where I entered the schengen area)

    • 2 passport photos (it’s best to get these photos taken in Spain, because passport photos in the US are a different size and they won’t work for the TIE)

    • Empadronamiento 

    • Proof of address (this may not be necessary, but I brought my rental contract just in case)

    • TIE application form (2 copies)

    • Form 790 - Codigo 012 - tasa (tax) payment form

      • Fill out this form, then print the document it generates. 

      • To pay, you have two options:

        • Bring the form to a bank, and pay the tasa there. The clerk will sign it and stamp it as proof that you paid.

        • Bring the form to an ATM (only works at certain ATMs, and I have no idea how to figure out which ones other than trial and error), and pay the tasa there. The ATMs only accept cash, but they will provide change. Scan the barcode on your form, then insert the cash, and the ATM will provide you a receipt. Bring that receipt to your appointment as proof that you paid the tasa.

    • TIE appointment confirmation - I’m not sure if this is required, but I printed out my appointment confirmation just in case as proof that I had an appointment on that date and time. 

How long does it take until the TIE is ready?

In short, it depends. After your appointment, the police officer who takes your fingerprints can give you an estimate of how long it will take for your TIE to be ready. 

In Malaga, I’ve generally heard that my friends have gotten their TIEs within 30-45 days from their fingerprinting (toma de huellas) appointment. Buuuut TIE processing varies widely by region, town, office, and maybe even time of year. In Fuengirola, I picked up my TIE just 24 days after my fingerprinting appointment. For a better estimate, you might ask people in your local area how long it took for them to receive their TIEs. 

How do I pick up my physical TIE card?

After your initial TIE fingerprinting (toma de huellas) appointment, you can make an appointment to pick up your TIE through the same website you used to make your initial appointment. For more information on how to make your TIE pick up (recogida) appointment, read my article: Getting a TIE in Malaga, Spain - Step-by-Step Guide.


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