Ultimate Guide to Vegan Grocery Shopping in Fuengirola, Spain

Looking for your favorite vegan and vegetarian food products in Fuengirola, Spain? I’ve got you covered!

Well, if you’re looking for name-brand vegan products from your home country, you may have trouble finding them in Fuengirola. But luckily, the supermarkets in town offer a pretty wide variety of vegan groceries for you to try.

When I first moved to Fuengirola in September of 2022, I had no clue where to start in terms of finding the veggie-friendly groceries I wanted. Over the months that followed, I shopped at multiple grocery stores around town and eventually got to know what vegan and vegetarian products each business offered.

Here, I share my top favorite places to shop for vegan grocery products in Fuengirola. You’ll find my recommendations from vegan faux meat products to where to buy nutritional yeast.

I hope my ultimate guide to vegan grocery shopping in Fuengirola helps you find the veggie-friendly products you’re searching for!

Table of Contents:

  • Overall Best Vegan Grocery Shopping: Lidl

  • Best Vegan Faux Meat Products: Carrefour

  • Best Seitan: Mercadona

  • Best Tofu: Lidl

  • Best Selections of Nuts and Beans: Mercadona

  • Best Dairy-Free Grocery Options: Lidl

  • Best Store for Vegan Groceries on a Budget: Lidl

  • Where to Buy Nutritional Yeast: Herbolarios

  • Best Stores for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: Fruterías

Overall Best Vegan Grocery Shopping: Lidl

In my opinion, the best grocery store to purchase vegan-friendly food products in Fuengirola is Lidl, an international supermarket chain from Germany.

Lidl has entire refrigeration and freezer sections dedicated to vegan products. The Lidl I shopped at, for example, offered at least five types of veggie burgers, as well as other vegan faux meat products, such as chicken burgers and nuggets, sausage, meatballs, and deli meat. The store also sold both normal and marinated tofu. Plus, they had quite a selection of vegan dairy-style products.

Oh, and if you’re vegan and want to try a vegan-spin on a traditional Spanish dish, my Lidl even sold a vegan version of a Spanish tortilla de patatas!

Best Vegan Faux Meat Products: Carrefour

Carrefour is a massive supermarket with the widest variety of international products I’ve found in town. And if you’re looking to stock up on vegan faux meat products, Carrefour is the place to go.

The Carrefour where I shopped in Fuengirola had every vegan faux meat product I could think of. Based on the variety they offered, Carrefour would be my top recommendation for where to purchase veggie meat products in Fuengirola, Spain.

Best Seitan: Mercadona

Now, if seitan is the vegan protein you’re after, head straight to Mercadona. Another supermarket, Mercadona actually sells the most tasty seitan I’ve ever eaten.

If you’re not familiar, seitan is a gluten-based vegan protein option. The seitan sold at Mercadona is juicy, flavorful, and simply delicious.

My vegetarian friends agree—Mercadona is the place to buy the best seitan in Fuengirola, and maybe anywhere!

Best Tofu: Lidl

Another protein option often important to vegans and vegetarians is tofu, a soy-based protein.

But where can you buy the best tofu in Fuengirola? Well, in my opinion, that would be Lidl.

I find Lidl’s unseasoned tofu to have the best taste and texture of any tofu I’ve bought in Fuengirola. But that’s not all! When in stock, Lidl offers multiple flavors of marinated tofu, too.

Best Selections of Nuts and Beans: Mercadona

If you’re looking to get some vegan-friendly protein from whole foods such as nuts and beans, I’d recommend checking out Mercadona.

In my experience, Mercadona offers the widest selection of nuts, nut products, and beans (both cooked and dry).

Best Dairy-Free Grocery Options: Lidl

Lidl is my favorite grocery store in Fuengirola for vegan-friendly dairy-style products, such as dairy-free cheese, cream cheese, butter, and milk.

In general, I was pleasantly surprised to find vegan dairy-like products at many of the supermarkets I visited in Fuengirola. But, in my experience, Lidl offered the widest variety of dairy-free grocery options—and in my opinion, their products tasted the best.

Best Store for Vegan Groceries on a Budget: Lidl

Wondering where you can buy vegan groceries on a budget in Fuengirola Spain? My recommendation for budget-friendly vegan groceries in Fuengirola is Lidl.

In general, many of my friends agree that Lidl is the place to go for cheaper grocery options. And it just so happens that the supermarket offers great vegan products, too!

Where to Buy Nutritional Yeast: Herbolarios

If you’re like me, one of the first vegan products you want to purchase once you get settled into a new place is nutritional yeast (aka “nooch”). From the first grocery store I entered in Fuengirola, I began searching for nutritional yeast.

But at first, I couldn’t seem to find it anywhere! The main supermarkets didn’t seem to sell nutritional yeast.

So I started searching the web for “where to buy nutritional yeast in Fuengirola.” And unfortunately, nothing came up.

But as I got more settled into the town, I began noticing lots of vitamin and health stores, called herbolarios or herboristerias. Soon, I entered one, and I quickly found nutritional yeast, or levadura nutricional, as it’s called in Spain.

There are plenty of herbolarios in Fuengirola, and I’ve only been to a few. Out of those I’ve shopped at, my favorite is Herbolario Zentrosalud. In addition to nutritional yeast, the shop has plenty of other vitamins, supplements, and superfoods that might be of interest to vegans and vegetarians in Fuengirola.

Best Stores for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: Fruterías

And last, but certainly not least, where is the best place to buy fresh fruits and vegetables in Fuengirola? Well, in my opinion, that would be the local fruterías, or fruit and vegetable stores.

In my experience, the typically family-owned fruterías provide the best variety of fresh fruits and vegetables—often for the lowest prices, too!

There are plenty of great fruterías in Fuengirola, but my personal favorite—out of the relatively very few I’ve visited—is Frutería Paco Cuevas.

There you have my top recommendations for where to find vegan grocery products in Fuengirola, Spain. Now, it’s time to get shopping!


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