Best English Vocabulary Repetition YouTube Videos for Natural Sciences

Word repetition videos are super helpful for teaching students new English vocabulary words. These types of videos typically display an English word, speak it aloud, and show a picture of what it refers to. I’ve used these types of educational videos to aide in teaching English to primary school students in Spain.

English vocabulary repetition videos offer great pronunciation practice activities for English language learners (ELLs). As an auxiliar de conversación, I’ve used these videos in class by telling my students to repeat each English vocabulary word after they see and hear it. When introducing new English vocab, I’ve found word repetition videos to be an excellent way to start class.

I’ve found these interactive videos very helpful for teaching English to young students in bilingual, immersive, or dual language, classroom settings in particular. The visual components provided by these videos are useful for teaching new English vocabulary words without having to translate them to the students’ first or primary language.

In this blog post, I share my top favorite English word repetition videos I’ve found on YouTube for the natural science topics covered in my classes with first, second, and third graders in Spain.

I’ve grouped these English vocab repetition videos into three categories: earth sciences, human anatomy, and life sciences. Within each group, the videos are listed in alphabetic order of subtopic.

Earth Sciences

Environments and Habitats

Kids Vocabulary - Geography - Nature - This English educational video is accompanied by a nice cartoon and a vague storyline of traveling the world. This is one of the best English word repetition videos I’ve found for primary school students.

Wild Animal Habitats - This English educational video uses full sentences to teach about habitats and the plants and animals that live within them. Every so often, the key vocab words are displayed on the screen. I would recommend telling my students to repeat the displayed English words aloud.

Natural Landscapes

Landscapes (Learn Kids Learn) English for Kids - Here’s an English vocab word repetition video for the Earth’s landscapes and types of land formations. I wish this video included the words typed on the screen to accompany the animations, but I think it’s still useful if the teacher helps the students with the English spelling of these words.

Water Cycle

Water Cycle for Children with Song - This video includes English vocabulary for the water cycle, along with spoken and written descriptions of each of the phases of the water cycle. I’d recommend telling your students to repeat the English words for the phases of the water cycle and asking them to listen to the descriptions.

Weather and Climate

Kids Vocabulary - Four Seasons - This English vocabulary video has simple animations that help students learn English words related to weather, climate, and the four seasons.

Kids Vocabulary - Weather - How’s the Weather? - With this video, students can listen to and repeat different answers to the question, “How’s the weather?” Cartoons accompany the written and spoken English vocabulary included in this video.

Human Anatomy

External Body Parts

Kids Vocabulary - Body - Parts of the Body - This educational video is excellent for teaching English body parts, because it includes movement in addition to word repetition. The video instructs students to touch each part of the body as the narrator says each English vocab word.

Internal Body Parts

Human Body Organ Systems for Kids - This English word repetition video is probably a bit too complicated for most primary school students, especially for the younger ones. But I decided to include it here anyways, because it includes lots of important human anatomy English vocabulary.


Kids Vocabulary - Five Senses - This video is great for teaching English vocabulary related to the five senses. It includes the English names of the five senses and the sensing organs, and it also uses these words in simple sentences. The English vocab words are accompanied by an engaging animation.

Life Sciences


Wild Animals for Kids - Here’s an educational video with English vocabulary related to wild animals. There’s also a fun animation where the animals are first presented as silhouettes, so this video can be turned into an English vocab guessing game!

PETS in English for Kids - This English word repetition video works well for teaching primary school students the English names for common pets. The video repeats each word twice, displays the spelling, and includes cartoons for visual aides.


Kids Vocabulary - Growing a Tree - The plant-related English vocabulary in this video is presented as part of a simple story of the life cycle of a tree. Throughout the story, key English vocab words are displayed on the screen, so that students can repeat them.

Want to see more of the best English teaching materials I’ve found for primary school students? Click the button below!


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