My Top 5 Tips for Making Your Move to Spain as Smooth as Possible

Moving abroad to Spain for a year has been one of the best decisions of my life. That said, it can be really challenging to move abroad, so I thought I’d offer some tips to make your move to Spain as smooth and seamless as possible.

This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I’m no expert. I’m just sharing here a few things I wish I would have known before I made my move to Spain.

This list of tips includes things you can do before moving in order to make your move to Spain a bit easier. If you’re looking for a to-do list for after you physically move to Spain, check out this step-by-step guide for thing to do when you move to Spain.

Based on my experience moving abroad and what I’ve heard from friends who have moved to Spain, here are my top tips for making your move to Spain as smooth as possible.

1. Start your visa process early.

This one is key. Make sure to start your visa process as early as possible.

There are a lot of hoops to jump through for the Spanish visa application, and each step can take a while to process. And even after all of your documents are compiled, it can take quite a long time for the Spanish Embassy or Consulate to process the visa application. So to avoid unnecessary stress, it’s important to get started as early as possible.

2. Bring electronic copies of any documents that might be important to have in Spain.

When you move abroad, it’s crucial to bring electronic copies of any and all important documents. That way, you can easily print copies of these documents for a job, a lease, or some sort of bureaucratic appointment.

3. Bring copies of any documents that might be important to have in Spain.

It’s a good idea to bring copies of your important documents when you move abroad. Having copies of these documents will save you the hassle of getting them printed when you arrive.

4. Make a plan of the things you need to do when you arrive.

To avoid unnecessary stress, you might want to make a plan of the things you need you need to do when you arrive in Spain. If you’re looking for ideas of things to add to your move-to-Spain to-do list, check out my step-by-step guide for things to do when you move to Spain.

5. Give yourself a few days to recover from your international travel.

International travel can be exhausting, so it’s nice to give yourself time to rest and recover when you first arrive in Spain. At the very least, it might take a couple of days to get over the jet lag and adjust o the new time zone.

There are lots of things that are important to do when you first move to Spain, so it’s a good idea to regain some energy before starting to check tasks off your to-do list. If you can move out a bit in advance of when you begin work, that will be helpful for decreasing stress during your move abroad.

Well, there are my top five tips to make your move abroad to Spain as smooth as possible. Wishing you the best of luck for your move to Spain!


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