How to Sign Documents Using Seneca: Andalusia Auxiliares

As an auxiliar de conversación in Andalusia, I was instructed to sign documents electronically using a virtual portal called Seneca. It felt suuuuper confusing at first, but I eventually figured it out with the help of some friends and administrators from the school where I’m teaching English in Spain.

Before you can sign documents using Seneca, you’ll need to request your tarjeta de coordenadas. If you don’t have your tarjeta de coordenadas yet, or if you don’t even know what that is, you should read my article, How to Request Your Tarjeta de Coordenadas: Andalusia Auxiliares. There, I provide a list of the steps I took to request and obtain my tarjeta de coordenadas

If you already have your tarjeta de coordenadas, then congrats! You’re very close to signing your first document on Seneca. Just follow the steps below to sign documents on Seneca.

1. Log in to Seneca.

First, of course, you’ll have to log in to Seneca. You can access the website through this link.

2. On the menu on the left of the screen, click on the tab with the gears.

The tab with the gears is called “utilidades.” Click on the tab with the gears.

3. From the dropdown menu, select “bandeja de firmas.”

Select “bandeja de firmas.” This will bring you to a page with all of the documents you need to sign.

4. Click anywhere on a document that requires your signature. Then click “firma con tarjeta del docente” on the menu that pops up.

5. Use your tarjeta de coordenadas to type the codes requested on the form.

For example, if the form requests code A1, look at the code on your tarjeta de coordenadas where column 1 and row A meet.

6. To finalize your signature, click the icon that looks like a calculator in the upper righthand corner.

Congrats on signing your first document using Seneca!

Still want some more information about Seneca and the tarjeta de coordenadas? Check out this post: Seneca Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) : Andalusia Auxiliares.


Seneca Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Andalusia Auxiliares


How to Request Your Tarjeta de Coordenadas: Andalusia Auxiliares