Seneca Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Andalusia Auxiliares

Around my fourth week as an auxiliar de conversación in Andalusia, Spain (in Fuengirola, to be specific), administrators at my school mentioned that I would need to use “Seneca” and a “tarjeta de coordenadas” to verify that I was working and that I should be paid. Does that sound confusing to you? I felt incredibly confused when I first heard about Seneca, and I had a lot of trouble getting a straight-forward explanation of what it was and how I was supposed to use it. 

With this post, I hope to provide the straight-forward answers I so desperately desired for my questions at the time. I still don’t have all of the answers, but hopefully I can tell you enough to get started with Seneca and the tarjeta de coordenadas

Table of contents:

  1. What is Seneca?

  2. How can I access Seneca?

  3. What is a tarjeta de coordenadas?

  4. How do I get a tarjeta de coordenadas?

  5. How do I sign documents on Seneca?

1. What is Seneca?

As far as I know, Seneca is an online portal that allows users to upload and electronically sign documents. It may serve other functions, too, but so far, I’ve only used it to sign documents related to serving as an auxiliar de conversación. I’ve been told that I will eventually need to use Seneca to upload the lesson plans and other resources I’ve created and used this year, in order to document and prove the work I’ve completed as an English language assistant.

The Junta de Andalucía uses Seneca across its educational system to provide teachers and administrators a centralized location to upload and sign important documents. Other regions of Spain might also use Seneca in their educational systems, but I haven’t heard of any specific instances. Seneca might be used by non-educational groups in Spain, too, but again, I haven’t heard of any specific examples of groups using Seneca other than the Junta de Andalucía.

2. How can I access Seneca?

You can access the website through this link.

As an auxiliar de conversación in Andalucía, you should receive login information via email. Once you receive that info, follow step one of this article to log into the Seneca portal.

3. What is a tarjeta de coordenadas?

As far as I can tell, it’s a virtual card, associated with you, that contains a series of codes that will allow you to verify your identity when signing documents electronically for the Spanish school system. It has eight columns (labeled 1-8) and eight rows (labeled A-H). To verify your identity when signing documents through Seneca, you will be asked to provide one of the numbers a column and row meet. For example, you might be asked for the number at B6 or H4. After providing that number, you’ll be able to sign the document electronically on Seneca.

4. How do I get a tarjeta de coordenadas?

To request your tarjeta de coordenadas, read my article: How to Request Your Tarjeta de Coordenadas: Andalusia Auxiliares.

5. How do I sign documents on Seneca?

To learn how to sign documents on Seneca, read my article: How to Sign Documents Using Seneca: Andalusia Auxiliares.


My Two-Day Trip in Granada, Spain


How to Sign Documents Using Seneca: Andalusia Auxiliares